crop young businesswoman using laptop while drinking tea at home

Articles are the central piece to the content puzzle. While on the surface there may be similarities between blogging and article writing, there are some important distinctions. Generally speaking articles are more informative than blogs, are written in third person, are much more formal and are based on data collection, examination, research and are always backed up. There are no opinions in article writing, or they are very rare and even they have to be backed up.

The main differences between blogs and articles are:

Articles Blogs
Word count often exceeds 1000Word count is around 300 – 500
Written in second or third personUsually written in first person
Lots of details, long form As detailed as you like, but often short form
Audience is generally more patient, trying
to understand and analyze/learn from content
Audience is generally reading content quickly, extracting
basic information from the blog
More complex writing and terminology Complexity depends on subject but generally meant to be read
and understood by everyone
Not focused on KeywordsTends to focus on one or a few keywords
Detailed research, synthesis, explanation, reports or
Opinions, experiences, tips and tricks, more feelings and
Not SEO optimizedSEO optimized
Data, graphs and statistics Images
Reviewed by an editorSelf Published
Not updatedUpdated as frequently as possible
Information and factInsights and opinion
Articles are category basedBlogs are chronologically based, in order of time published

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